When purchasing insurance coverage for your home or business, you expect to be covered when you have an insurance claim. When you least expect it, then comes along that one day you need to file a claim and you are blindsided by your insurance company when they say you are not covered. I cannot tell you how many times we have heard “I didn’t know I wasn’t covered” and “Why didn’t my agent tell me”.
I refer to this as the never-ending erosion of coverage by the insurance industry. Our insurance agents should be explaining coverage to us, or should I say, the lack thereof. Many agents go the extra mile, as they should, and explain coverages to their clients. However, some do not and then beg the questions above. An All Risk policy is supposed to be exactly that and cover us for our insurance losses, but they no longer do. The insurance companies are either placing limits on coverage or excluding coverage all together for example …
It is so important to understand and know what you are covered for and what you are not. We offer policy reviews and suggestions for coverage based on our years of experience. Remember, we are also homeowners and business owners. If you have any questions or concerns about your policy, please contact us.
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November 2024
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